In collaboration with agri-food industry leaders, Aimpoint Research will host a virtual Pandemic After Action Review & Resiliency Planning Exercise on Tuesday, November 17th from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Participants will review pandemic impacts on the industry, assess what went well and what did not in response to Covid-19, and work together to build resiliency plans for future crises.
Who Should Participate?
The exercise is designed for senior executives who have a strategic-level point-of-view. This is typically C-Suite Officers and Executive/Senior Vice Presidents. Most importantly, participants should be able to speak with authority about likely actions and reactions their sectors of the industry would take in response to certain dynamics.
Participation in the Pandemic AAR & Resiliency Planning Exercise is limited and by invitation only.
To request an invitation and/or learn more, please fill out the form below.